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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Kela And Chhoriya Sahakar Vidya Mandir Group of School Jalgaon (Jamod) Region Admission Form for 2020-21  Click on above link to fill school admission form for 2020-21 sessi...

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Tuesday, September 04, 2018

5th September.......Teachers Day

Sahakar Vidya Mandir Wishesh About Teachers Day 27 0 A teacher is a friend, philosopher, and guide who holds our hand, opens our mind, and touches our heart. The contribution of a teacher cannot be ignored at all. In many countries across the world, teacher's day is a special day where teachers of schools, colleges, and universities are honored specially. The date varies from country to country. The universally accepted World Teacher's...

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Independence Day

India celebrates Independence Day on August 15 each year. India became an independent nation on August 15, 1947.... Independence Day Wishesh What Do People Do? Independence Day is a day when people in India pay homage to their leaders and those who fought for India's freedom in the past. The period leading up to Independence Day is a time when major government buildings are illuminated with strings of lights and the tricolor flutters from...


Nagpanchami श्रावण महिन्यातील पहिलामहत्वाचा सण नागपंचमी हा आहे. या दिवशी घरोघरी नागाची पूजा करून नागदेवतेला प्रसन्न करतात. हा सण वेदकालापासून सुरू झाला.भगवान श्रीकृष्ण कालिया नागाचा पराभव करून यमुना नदीच्या पात्रातून सुरक्षीत वर आले तो दिवस श्रावण शुध्द पंचमी होता. तेव्हांपासून नागपूजा प्रचारात आली असे म्हणतात. या दिवशी शेतकरी आपल्या शेतात नांगरत नाही. कोणीही खणत नाही, घरीपण कोणीही भाज्या चिरायच्या नाही, तवा वापरायचा नाही, हे नियम पाळत असतात....

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Our Inspiration: Dr. Kishorji Kela Sir


Sunday, August 05, 2018

Assembly Prayers

Om Tat Sat.... Hich Amuchi Prathana.... ...